About Us
Everyone has issues in their life - stress, pain, debt, loneliness - wouldn't it be great to have someone to lean on? At Christ Presbyterian Church we're here for you and want to give your family hope for a brighter future. Here you will find real people striving for a better life, safe, fun children's classes, a vibrant ministry to students, and a focus on living life with real purpose! Join us this Sunday and see what church has to offer you!
Skeptics Welcome
We recognize that belief is hard and that it is worth acknowledging and wrestling with the questions, doubts, objections and skepticism around the Christian faith. We welcome both believers and skeptics to process their doubts and beliefs with the recognition that it is not sufficient to hold doubts or beliefs just because we inherited them. If you are interested in processing your doubts and beliefs or exploring Christianity, we welcome you to visit us on Sundays, or connect in one of our life groups.